
Analysis of the company's development phase

The goal of the analysis is the identification of opportunities and risks

Analysis of the company's context

We conduct a comprehensive analysis of both internal and external factors that impact the company's operations and strategic directions. Our focus is on understanding the company's purpose and the methods employed to achieve it. The context analysis is designed to enrich our comprehension of the environment in which the company operates.

Analysis of processes and employee roles

We analyze all fundamental processes within the company, examining how they are identified and communicated among key employees. We assess the roles of employees in the process, their authorities, and responsibilities. The analysis of processes and employee roles is aimed at enhancing our understanding of the company's operational methods.

Analysis of symptoms of premature aging

When we talk about symptoms of premature aging, we refer to identifying issues that pose a threat to the long-term viability of the company. We don't discover the problems; you, as the company, are most familiar with them. The analysis aims to comprehend these issues, offer a perspective from our point of view, and propose as well as implement appropriate solutions.

Delegating responsibilities and authority

We establish transparent rules and procedures for delegating responsibilities, cascading from top leadership to lower levels, with the scope tailored to the size and developmental stage of the company. The objective of delegation is to boost the efficiency of the company's operations and enhance coordination across various levels of leadership.

Establishment of processes

We meticulously define procedures and tasks, documenting and standardizing the processes within the company. This involves outlining precise steps, rules, and guidelines that employees are expected to follow when executing specific tasks or processes. The primary goal of establishing these processes is to ensure consistency, transparency, and efficiency in task execution.

Optimization of resources

We create an environment, encompassing organization, planning, competencies, communication, documentation, and more, designed for the effective management of company's resources. The aim of resource optimization is to enhance cash flow, communication, utilization of expertise, and overall efficiency, contributing to the success of the company

Development of a strategy

We streamline the process of formulating the company's strategy, resulting in a document that robustly supports the operational implementation of planned strategic changes. The strategy promotes a culture of long-term thinking, ensuring that employees grasp the comprehensive picture and are aware of the lasting consequences of their actions and decisions today. Serving as a guiding framework, the strategy directs the company toward the desired direction. Facilitates the development of competitive advantages and promotes long-term efficiency.


Establishment of the target structure

In response to the identified opportunities and risks, we act on one of the four foundations of the business structure. The area, type, and extent of measures vary and are tailored to each individual company.


Implementation of tools for execution

The use of specific tools and monitoring reduces the gap between the establishment of the business structure and its execution, a challenge that many companies often face.

Monitoring execution

In the specific period following structural changes, we proactively monitor the implementation of planned measures and actively assist in bringing these changes to life in practice. The purpose of ongoing monitoring and evaluating progress is to overcome the influence of ingrained habits and daily routines, which have the potential to pull the company back to old paths.

Assessment of Quality Management Systems

I collaborate with the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ) as an external contractual partner in the assessment of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management standards. Conducting annual assessments of compliance with these standards ensures the company's ongoing efficiency and alignment with both the standard requirements and its internal criteria.

Implementation of ERP

By partnering with Goinfo and Melom, we are implementing information support for business operations. Whether fully integrated or partially implemented at the level of specific processes, this technology ensures improved integration of business processes, communication, collaboration, traceability, and control over business execution. It plays a significant role in facilitating the implementation of planned structural changes within the company.

Implementation of tools for executing the strategy

Having a strategy on paper is essential, but it alone doesn't guarantee steering the company in the desired direction, developing competitive advantages, or achieving long-term efficiency. Implementation is equally crucial. The gap between strategy and its execution is substantial, and many companies struggle with it. By incorporating specific tools that facilitate measurement, analysis, reporting, monitoring, and evaluation of action implementation, we significantly narrow this gap and enhance the likelihood of successfully executing planned measures in practice.

Education and Training

We organize diverse training sessions and workshops focused on the significance of business structure in a company's development. Recognizing the importance of business structure and fostering trust in it are pivotal for the successful implementation of changes within the company.


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Sašo Peterlin, s. p.

Preloge 39

1211 Ljubljana Šmartno


+386 41 401 550

